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Why Regular Health Check-up are Necessary?

“Health is wealth.” It is an old axiom, but most commonly neglected, because of the fast- paced life, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, lack of exercise, lack of sleep and stress. People are becoming more and more vulnerable to diseases like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart diseases and various cancers. We pay attention to these factors only when we’ve run out of time.

However, the concept of regular/ annual health check-ups for healthy individuals is increasing day by day. Precautionary healthcare is becoming a part of our routine as people are more educated and aware of their health. But, still, majority of the public and health care professionals are speculative regarding the degree if its utility and using these services in a cost-effective manner.

Many organizations, all around the world, have made regular health check- ups mandatory for their employees to ensure their workforce stays fit and healthy, working more efficiently and adding to the overall gains for the organization. 

Here in this article, we focus on the various benefits of regular health check-ups and urge you to spare few hours from your daily routine to have a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Who need a regular full body health check-up?

As suggested by the professionals, EVERYBODY should see their doctors at regular intervals irrespective of age and health status. The working age group I.e. 30-60 years are more vulnerable to lifestyle diseases (like unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, hereditary diseases). Therefore, these group of people should specifically get regularly full body tested including tests for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart diseases etc.

Is regular full body health check-ups required for healthy individuals?

YES. Experts suggest a full body health check up every year for all individuals - healthy or unhealthy. However, few professionals suggest that in case of healthy individuals, selective approach can be recommended for diseases rather than full body health check- up on a yearly basis.

Benefits and Importance of regular full body health check-ups.

l  “Prevention is Better than Cure”

Routine checkups of lifestyle diseases like sugar and cholesterol helps us to know that the person is likely to get diseases/ high cholesterol in future. This is because, if you are a borderline case your doctor advises you to change your lifestyle and hence, preventing the disease. 

l  Early Detection of Diseases

Regular health check-ups help us to know the current status of our health. It diagnoses our chances of suffering from a mild or a chronic disease which may not be symptomatic at present but is slowing progressing to higher stage.  Thus, these tests help in determining the necessary measures that can be taken at an earlier stage.

 l  Cost of Healthcare

You can’t enjoy wealth if you are not in good health. People always feel that routine health packages are very expensive. They feel that why to spend so much of money for getting tested if you are perfectly fine. But instead, on a greater aspect these frequent checkups will actually save our money in the long run. Regular health check-ups reduced the risk of future surgeries and chronic medical conditions.

 l  Awareness

Health is like money. We never have a true idea of its value until we lose it. Regular health check-ups keep us aware of all the good as well as bad habits we have doing in daily routine and hence, helps us to improve our lifestyle.

 l  Happiness is the highest form of health

We all have to agree that if the test results are positive or good, we feel much happier, content and it motivates us to further maintain a healthy lifestyle. It boosts our morale to adapt to healthier lifestyle and cleanse our body.

After taking a note of all the above said points we know that preventive healthcare is not a choice but a requirement. Regular tests help us in lot of ways for a healthy living. However, though necessary, medical check-ups alone cannot be responsible for good health. A doctor or regular tests alone cannot help a person to lead a healthy living. You need to inculcate all the good habits in your schedule along with regular full body health check-ups to fight against harmful diseases and various health conditions.

Dr Megha Gupta, 

Consultant Pathologist


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