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Showing posts from September, 2020

Why Regular Health Check-up are Necessary?

“Health is wealth.” It is an old axiom, but most commonly neglected, because of the fast- paced life, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, lack of exercise, lack of sleep and stress. People are becoming more and more vulnerable to diseases like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart diseases and various cancers. We pay attention to these factors only when we’ve run out of time. However, the concept of regular/ annual health check-ups for healthy individuals is increasing day by day. Precautionary healthcare is becoming a part of our routine as people are more educated and aware of their health. But, still, majority of the public and health care professionals are speculative regarding the degree if its utility and using these services in a cost-effective manner. Many organizations, all around the world, have made regular health check- ups mandatory for their employees to ensure their workforce stays fit and healthy, working more efficiently and adding to the overall gain

Falsely Elevated Interleukin-6 (IL-6): The facts

The interleukin-6 (1L-6) is a multifunctional pleiotropic cytokine, and is also known as interferon-ß2 (IFN-ß2), 26 kDa protein, B-cell stimulatory factor-2 (BSF-2), hybridoma/ plasmacytoma growth factor, hepatocyte stimulating factor and macrophage-granulocyte inducing factor 2A (MGI-2A). IL-6 is released by a variety of cell types such as, T cells, B cells, monocytes, fibroblasts, vascular endothelial cells, cardiac myxomas, bladder cell carcinomas, myelomas, astrocytoma and glioblastomas. It has a major role in the mediation of inflammatory and immune response initiated by infection or injury. IL-6 can be elevated with inflammation, infection, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and some cancers also. In few of the cases it has been associated with an increased risk of disease development or worsening prognosis. As the levels of IL-6 are associated with medical diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis, monitoring the fluctuation of its levels may reflect the progression or regre