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Showing posts from August, 2024


The Pitfalls of Routine Health check-ups During Acute Illness: What You Need to Know

Preventive health check-ups , which typically include a series of blood tests, play a crucial role in maintaining overall well-being. These check-ups help identify potential health issues early, allowing for timely intervention. However, while these screenings are essential, the timing of when you undergo them is equally important. Getting routine blood tests during an acute illness—such as the flu, a stomach bug, or even a common cold—can lead to misleading results and unnecessary concerns. Here’s why it’s best to delay preventive health check-ups until after you've fully recovered from an acute illness. Understanding Acute Illness and Its Impact on Blood Tests: An acute illness refers to a sudden onset condition that usually lasts for a short period. Common examples include the flu, fever, a cold, or gastroenteritis (Vomiting, Diarrhoea). Although these illnesses are temporary, they cause significant changes in the body’s physiology as it works to fight off the infection or infla

High Urine Sugar and Normal Blood Sugar: Uncovering the Mysteries of Glycosuria

  Glycosuria , the presence of glucose in urine, is commonly associated with diabetes, where high blood sugar levels lead to the spillage of glucose into the urine. However, a perplexing scenario arises when glycosuria occurs alongside normal blood sugar levels. This intriguing condition challenges conventional medical understanding and prompts a deeper exploration into its causes and implications. Under normal circumstances, the kidneys filter blood, reabsorbing glucose back into the bloodstream and preventing its excretion in urine. Glycosuria typically indicates a disruption in this process, often linked to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels). But when blood glucose levels are within normal ranges, the puzzle deepens. Possible Causes of Glycosuria with Normal Blood Sugar:  Several conditions and factors can lead to this unusual phenomenon: Renal Glycosuria: A rare inherited condition where the renal tubules are unable to reabsorb glucose efficiently, leading to its presence in